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Changing Your Point of View On Life Insurance

It is fairly easy to understand why so many people between the ages of 18 to 34 do not think they need life insurance. However, it’s incredibly important for anyone at any age to look into life insurance plans. For those who work at a full-time job, there are often (not always, it depends on […]
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Points to Consider Before Buying Health Insurance

Picking health coverage plan is a very stressful topic for many Americans. According to a survey Morning Consult conducted with CNBC of 2,200 US adults, almost a quarter of Americans say the monthly premium is the most important factor they use to determine which plan they will buy. It is a simple way of looking […]
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Why Your Children Need Health Coverage

The rising costs of health insurance made many Americans choose not to get health insurance for themselves or even their children. Bigger families feel the stress even more, and the younger ones can be those paying the price at the end. Having health insurance policy for children is beyond important because kids are subjects to […]
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Plan Network Providers

Before deciding on a health plan, check to see their network requirements. Some plans demand that you see an in-network provider only, and that can be very limiting. It can be especially difficult if you already have an existing doctor for your medical needs who you trust and like going to only to find out […]
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New Federal Rules Make It Tougher to Get a Reverse Mortgage

A reverse mortgage can be a great tool for those over the age of 62 who have significant equity in their homes and need access to cash. However, the federal government passed changes in recent years that make it more difficult for some people to qualify for a reverse mortgage. Here’s a look at some […]
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4 Tips for Finding Cheap Car Insurance Online

By law, drivers must maintain an auto insurance policy, but this can put a significant dent in your budget. Luckily, there are ways to ensure that you’re following the law while also getting the best deal possible on car insurance. Check out the four tips below to learn how you can save money on car […]
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How to switch car insurance

With so many competing car insurance companies these days, it’s often worth your while to switch companies to cash in on extra savings. However, you want to make sure you switch in the proper way. Here’s what you should know about changing car insurance providers: Avoid a Gap in Coverage The most important thing to […]
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Insurance Basics For New Homeowners

Buying your first home is an incredibly exciting experience, but many new homeowners find all the details a bit overwhelming. Take homeowner’s insurance, for example. If you’re new to this type of insurance policy, you may find your coverage options confusing. When in doubt, start with the basics. Here’s what you need to know if […]
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How to compare car insurance

Many drivers don’t know how to compare car insurance except by looking at the listed price. And while that’s certainly one way to go about comparing the different options, it certainly isn’t the only option available. There’s nothing wrong with comparing based on price, but you won’t get the best car insurance unless you know […]
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Is Renters Insurance Mandatory?

Mandatory renters insurance used to be rare, and landlords who requested tenants to have it had a hard time finding occupants for their apartments. However, it is a completely different scenario today, and renters insurance became a part of the rental process, just like a first month’s rent check or a security deposit. Landlords expect […]
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