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Need A Car? How To Get A Loan Even With Bad Credit: Part 1

Don’t be intimidated into thinking you can’t get a car loan if you have bad credit. Chances are strong you can get one, it may just take a little more effort on your part. Will the interest rates be high? Most likely they will, but they may not be as high as you think. It’s definitely worth doing your part and checking out because no two creditors think the same. Here are a couple of tips for getting a car loan, even with bad credit.

Know your score: If you’re armed with your credit score and credit report, no one can catch you off guard. You may have the same score as someone else, but maybe your history is a  little longer. It’s important that lenders can see all the fine details.

Shop around: This can’t be stressed enough. One lender may be more lenient to your score compared to another. While one may think you’re too risky, another one may not think so.

Check out part 2 of ways to get a car loan even with bad credit.

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